Operations Update - 33% Reduction in Staffing due to Covid19

Date: 10-08-2020


Well what a week in Melbourne !

Never in our lifetime did we think anywhere in Australia we would be living with CURFEWS and WORK PERMITS

As I am sure you are all aware,  Covid 19 is proving to be a highly infectious and deadly virus in Melbourne and proving very hard to control once it is out creating community transmission. We hope that you are able to control it in each of your states, as living life in masks & lockdown is so far from ideal. We hope everyone is able to learn from Victoria’s mistakes. We would not wish this current Melbourne environment on anyone.

So, Lockdown Mark 4 is now in full swing and we are fortunate to be able to trade. So many businesses are now closed.

However the regulations, to be able to trade, may reduce our capacity to produce our normal levels of service. To aid in the fight against COVID 19 we are required to reduce our workforce each day by 33%. This is designed to reduce the number of people out of their homes and increase the “physical distancing” in the workplace.

We are sure you would understand, like most family businesses, we were never over staffed in the first place, so a reduction is serious.

This means we have less staff to answer the phone, less staff to pick the order, less staff to build wheels, less staff to pack the order and NO staff to call on our customers in Victoria.

We are still keen to receive your orders but we need your help and understanding to be as efficient as possible and get the maximum number of orders out each day. We have made some staffing modifications to prioritise picking and despatch that will hopefully  enable our normal service levels. In order to streamline our processes and maximise our service to you in this environment we have some small requests

  • If you are telephoning us and the phone rings out, please either call back or email sales@bicyclepartswholesale.com.au for us to call you back
  • Please check your account is up to date when placing an order – this will ensure your order is processed without delay
  • If any item on your B2B order is critical please give us a message on the B2B so we know to call or email  you, to look at alternatives if the critical item is out of stock.

Rest assured BPW is still OPEN FOR BUSINESS  and working hard to service your needs in this very different environment. We have enacted a COVID 19 Safety Plan and appointed a COVID 19 Safety Marshall to oversee that plan . We will be keeping you up to date on how the new system is working  and we encourage you to keep in contact.  As always,  we are open to any suggestions that you may have to increase our service to you in this environment.

We really appreciate your support and understanding in this testing time.

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